Descendants of Johann Friederich Pieper (1865)

19 Jun 2020 Share:  
Descendants of Johann Friederich Pieper (1865)

Time to read: 21 minutes, 29 seconds

This article starts with my Great-Great-Grandfather Johann Friederich Pieper. As many families that moved from the dutch indies back to the Netherland and stayed quiet about the colonial past. Family descendants are left with many questions about their origin. The research behind this story is more...

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Taking a cruise on the Mediterranean Sea

14 Dec 2019 Share:  
Taking a cruise on the Mediterranean Sea

Time to read: 1 minute, 33 seconds

It has been a some months since my last post and nothing really specatular happend. Then suddenly my dad called and offers to go on a Cruise vacation in the first weeks of December.

The ship was new and should be christianed in Hamburg October 2019. It sounded somewhat unreal and normally I wouldn...

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